Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Is it still a sunroof when there's no sun?

I went to pick up hubby from work today. It snowed this morning so the roads were wet and messy. I was nice and toasty warm in the Escape though the temperature outside was far from toasty.

I got out to site and called to let him know I was there and waiting so he could get a ride up to the gate. As I was sitting there, I was contemplating how nice and warm I was, leaning back in the seat, looking up through the sun roof.

Not a sunny day at all. Dark grey skies with snow and ice and melted water on the tinted glass. So, while I'm sure I got several odd looks as I relaxed back in the seat with my camera, I decided to take a picture.

Maybe it's time to close up the cover and not look up at the grey skies anymore. But I do like the extra light!

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