For whatever reasons in his little two year old mind, the monster is fascinated with ducks. Actually, I guess it's not all that great of a mystery. They're something out of the norm in his little world. They quack. They waddle. They have cool colours.
Ducks are awesome, to him.
Of course, none of them have ever nipped him with their beaks either but hey, here's hoping we don't have that happen.
Either way, if we ever want an activity that he'll love and will be fun for all, we get some duck food and we head for the bird sanctuary. We have yet to make it into the sanctuary. We nver make it past the parking lot and the duck pond there.
One day, I will make it all the way into the sanctuary. But last weekend? It was just about the ducks.
The last time we went to see the ducks, he was a bit overwhelmed by the swarm of ducks that came waddling our way. He was still fascinated with them... as long as I was holding him. Which made pictures a little awkward (but I still got some) as well as feeding the ducks. But this time we had Daddy with us. Problem solved.
Except that this time he was done with being overwhelmed. He was fascinated and fearless! The ducks didn't really want anything to do with him and headed off as he came to check them out.
But it's okay, we had the solution for that problem. Enter big bag of duck food - $1.99 at our local pet store making this a cheap outing.
And believe me, the food comes out, those ducks stop running away and start running to you.
Surprisingly, the monster doesn't chase the ducks. He's not running after them, scaring them. He walks to them. And when he gets close, he crouches down like he's examining them. Showing him he's their friend or something. Then, when they waddle away, he gets up and walks after them again, giggling. again, no chasing and scaring.
Again, not that it matters. Because we came prepared.
They're wily opportunists, those ducks. As soon as the food is out, they're more than happy to cluster about and visit with you. The monster was laughing as he watched them all scrabble about for the little pellets of food.
There are a lot of ducks at the sanctuary. I mean, a lot. A whole lot. And the vibrant colours are pretty.
I can't tell you how funny it was to watch him throwing food for them, laughing as they clustered about his feet, looking for more more more.
But, as it always happens, the food eventually runs out. And after a little more ducky visiting, it's time to take off.
But don't worry, ducks. We'll be back another day. With another bag of duck food!
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