Saturday, May 1, 2010

When I have some time alone, I often take my camera and go out. Today I decided to go to the Bloedel Conservatory in Queen Elizabeth Park.

I did take quite a few flower shots but honestly, I was drawn to the birds that live loose in the dome most of all.

Cheeky little buggers. The parrots were very cooperative. The other birds? Not so much.


This is the Conservatory and the fountain that's up top.

The dome opened in 1969 and it's interesting looking at the archival footage because you can't see the trees within when it first opened.

They're taller now, of course.

Inside there are four biomes. Two rainforest, one subtropical and one desert. I'll be honest though, the desert area is very small. The rainforest has taken over!

And I did take a few flower pics.

But really, I was trying to catch the birds.

As previously mentioned the parrots were easy.

The others were harder to catch. Some were so hard I can't even post the pictures here. Too blurry or too much foliage in the way. But I did manage to get some of the more difficult ones.

This one? I must have stalked him around the dome twice and taken about 15 pics before I finally got one decent one.

This fellow was shy, tucked into his own little space.

But the hands down hardest one? This guy. He stayed in one area easily enough but he was chasing three other birds and he moves like a chicken, only much faster. It took me forever - and about 25 attempts - to get a few good ones. Or a couple good ones and a couple decent ones.

It's like a jungle in there, literally. Very warm and very humid. So I did sit on a bench and take a little time to just relax.

It's lovely in there, it really is. But I have to admit, going back outside into the cooler air with that nice breeze?


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