Thursday, February 28, 2008


I missed the contest for last week but I did have a picture that I wanted to enter. For some reason i thought that I had until Wednesday. LOL

Anyway, it is a picture of Connor but it is definitely a perspective picture. And a lesson on the value of cropping a picture, really.

When playing with my camera on Tuesday I took this picture.

Now, I felt that it was a really good picture and still do. But I started to play around with it. The only thing I did was crop it and rotate it. And I ended up with this...

Now, personally, I feel that the cropped and rotated version has much more impact, making it the better of the two pictures.

What do you think? Agree or disagree?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Two Months old...

Wow. I can't believe it's been two months already!

Yesterday Connor officially hit two months old and I'm still in shock. Has it really been that long? I got another parcel in the mail - I've been ordering things like a madwoman lately and my husband complains none of it is for him... it's allllll for the baby.

Anyway, yesterday's delivery was a picture frame I ordered, a t-shirt and a onesie. And the onesie just had to be worn for the two month picture because everytime I look at him in it, I have to have a bit of a chuckle!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Naptime bliss

I just can't resist posting this picture because I'm so happy with how it turned out. Our little man was sacked right out, napping in his Dad's arms, wrapped in a flannel blanket. He was so peaceful and I just had to catch a picture of it.

Ah... naptime is bliss, isn't it?

Friday, February 1, 2008

Oh baby it is cold out there!

Hey, it's finally a picture of something other than the baby!!


So, we all went outside today. Though not for long, believe me. It's been sitting somewhere in the neighbourhood of -40 C and it was foggy the other night. The result of the that fog and that cold is this extremely cool hoarfrost. I love the way hoarfrost looks... I just hate how cold it has to be in order to see it!