Sunday, November 10, 2013

Project 10 | November [hands]

Okay, I'll admit it. This one gave me a lot of trouble. Not so much because of the subject matter but because of life. I had plans for this subject but life kept throwing things at me this month. Some of it good (like the new laptop but installing programs took a while and I still haven't found my fonts!) and some pretty hard to take. So things didn't exactly pan out as planned. Such is life. I ended up taking pictures over several days but did manage to finish the project! And I'm pretty happy with the results, overall. Maybe not quite what I envisioned but that's nothing new. Hopefully next month will be more cooperative!

With that said, my thought for this project was the creativity of our hands. We do so much with our hands but nothing inspires me more than the things we create with our hands. Whether it's decorating cupcakes, knitting, or painting among the prosaic moments of eating and other necessities, we create. And creation in any form is inspiring and fun!

(The pictures of kids hands aren't just of the monster's hands. They're from a halloween party he went to with a bunch of his friends. Chaos! Fun but chaos. The knitter is my Mom, they hand on the keyboard is my own when I was working on my NaNo word count, the painter is unknown, and the pizza eater is a friend of mine. Finally, anyone who knows me know how much I love nail polish. The manicure picture is what I created for my nails for Halloween this year.)

Make sure you head over to Samantha King's blog to check out her amazing take on the project!


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