Sunday, August 17, 2008


So, the title of this post says it all. I was playing on the computer today and made up a progression card of my little man. Seeing it all laid out like this almost brings tears to my eyes, in a good way though. He's getting so big and he's changed so much! He looks less like a baby now and more and more like a little boy.

A handsome little boy who loves to flirt already! LOL

So, while it's not a new photo, I thought I'd share my little graphic here.

And don't worry, I'll take some pictures of something else soon!


Jenn said...

WOW! Seeing them all in sequence really does show you how much he has grown! I love how his eyes keep getting brighter and he's making all kinds of expressions now!

vivi's mom said...

Wow that is so neat to see the changes all in a row like that! How cute!!

Lorelei said...

Thanks ladies! And yes, he's so expressive now, it's great.

It's scary too, so many changes already and so many more to come. I keep wishing I could freeze him in "this" stage for just a little longer. And then the next stage and the next. LOL

Alycia Hildebrand said...

He is so cute!! His looks have really 'grown up'!!

Jenn M said...

He has definitely become a little man - an adorable one at that! I love all the expressions!

Theresa T said...

Next to his stuffed animal you can really see how much bigger he's gotten.

Love the photo progression that you've put together.