Saturday, December 22, 2007

Under the Blue Lights...

Connor is healthy and beautiful but he was, unfortunately, jaundiced. His levels seemed okay when the skin was tested but the whites of his eyes were very yellow so we went to the lab for blood tests (my baby's poor little heel) and waited for the doctor to call with the results.

When she called, it was to send us into the hospital so he could be treated with phototherapy. He had to sleep in an incubator under a blue LED light (pictured immediately below this paragraph), mostly naked, for two days and nights to clear up the jaundice. It was hard seeing him all tucked up in there, not able to hold him at all. With the mesh and eye/ear pads over his head. I cannot imagine how parents handle it when their child has a serious life threatening disease.

Still, Connor handled it like a trooper and after the two days was up and his billirubin levels had been tested again and were definitely way down, we were sprung from the hospital and happily headed for home!

So... a few pictures of Connor's adventure under the bright blue lights!

And one more, just because I'm a sucker for those big eyes of his!


Callista said...

Wow times have changed, when I was born with jaundice I was sent home, and the doctor told my mom to keep my cradle near a sunny window!! I am glad to know his is doing better, and was such a tough little guy! Very artsy pics!

Katherine said...

Awww what an adorable little guy, congratulations! I'm glad to hear he is doing well now.

Carol-Ann said...

He is absolutely adorable!
I can't wait to see more pics!!!!

M.R. said...

wow!!! he's amazing!

and really, what beautiful photos of a challenging moment in his fragile tiny life. amazing.

Jenn M said...

awe so precious! I'm happy to hear he's doign better and also can't wait for more pics!

Pam said...

Congrats! He is very cute. I am glad he is doing better.

Jenn said...

I'd like to echo what Misty said....

Sondra said...

Glad lil' Connor is doing better.

The last shot is so precious. I love his little lips!

Theresa T said...

Glad to hear that he came through it OK and he's back home again. The pics look great-and he'll have them to look back on when he's older too.

Nadia said...

Lorelei, he is just too precious! Congrats to you both! I was born jaundice too and sent home like callycat. I'm glad he's doing better now. Those are some interesting shots.