Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Site at Night...

One of the things that's on my "to do" list is to become a better night time photographer. I find photography at night extremely difficult and I would like to learn how to do it better. So tonight, in keeping with the pollution theme, I thought I'd go out and try some night pictures of site. A couple of them worked out okay but I ran into a problem.

I charged the battery on my Canon Rebel the other night but apparently I thought it would be a good idea to forget to put the battery back in before going out to site. Brilliant, I know. Thankfully I had my Canon G9 with me. Of course, the battery is getting low on the G9 but thankfully it didn't die on me before I was done. I was irritated with myself though since I always check my cameras before I head out. Well, apparently not always since I managed to mess it up this time. Grrrr...

Anyway, here are the two shots that I was happiest with from the G9 tonight. I think the reflection of the light off the billowing clouds of pollution coming out of the stacks is kind of cool. Gross, when you think about what's in those clouds but makes for interesting photography.

Incidentally, the little streaks on the close up picture are the snowflakes coming down. It kept snowing almost all day.


Theresa T said...

The smoke against the night sky looks kind of creepy.

I've done that before with the batteries (but I only have one camera so I didn't have a back-up...).

Jenn M said...

I love the first one. One of my goals with this challege is to get some great night shots but they often end up blurred. How'd you get them to turn out? Did you use a tripod? What settings on your camera did you use?

I did the same thing with my batteries too (also one camera so no back up). :S

Jenn said...

I think those are GREAT photos; it's certainly better than I could do at this point! My night-time shots always look like garbage!! :)

An idea...why not have 2 batteries?? If you always keep one charged and in your camera bag then you'll never get stuck having something great to photograph and no batteries...isn't that always the way?!?!?

Lorelei said...

I didn't have my tripod with me but I was able to use the truck to stabilize the camera. I do have a great tripod that I got for last Christmas that is wonderful!

And the two battery idea is a great one. I think I just might have to invest in that! Thanks!

kimberina said...

Great shots! I was hoping to grab something similar this week down in Hamilton, but unfortunately didn't make it. Very cool!