Saturday, November 24, 2007

Strange finds while cleaning...

Okay. Let me make this clear from the outset.

I am a packrat. I have improved - try to ignore any laughter you might hear in the background since my family would not doubt argue against any improvement - in the past few years but I'm still a terrible packrat.

So one of the situations I'm dealing with right now is cleaning out the front bedroom which will be the baby's room. And the copious amounts of stuff that were stored in there while it was just our "spare" room. Eek. In the course of this cleaning, I started going through a big box of old papers and junk that actually included, to my surprise, a few 15 or so year old essays from university.

Yes. Yes. I know. I admitted already that I'm a packrat.

So, one of the things I found in this box was a ziploc bag full of little sparkles that you put in cards. Heart shaped ones, octagons, Mom, stars... all sorts of little things and colours. So, being who I am, I had to photograph them.

Live the adventure!!


Theresa T said...

You are not alone in your "packratitis" as I call it. DH is horrible too (he has a box of elementary school doodles still).

However, your disease does make for an interesting (and sparkley) shot.

Sondra said...

Pretttty! I love finding crafty stuff.

Pam said...

I understand your pain. I use to be a pack rate as well :(

Jenn M said...

hahhahaah I am totally a packrat too! Also I'm supposed to also be cleaning it all out with a deadline of December 28th. haha I feel your pain

ps - great shot. Love the perspective

Jenn said...

I love the perspective too!

Lorelei said...

Thanks everyone! It's always good to know that you're not the only packrat in the world!! LOL