Friday, November 30, 2007


I have a little Zen garden. Nothing elaborate, just a small black square container with a little rake, some rocks and a candle.

It came with little white rocks, too big to really be called sand. But I bought it with something else in mind anyway so I got rid of the white rocks and replaced it with a coral pink sand that I got while we were traveling through the States.

While on this trip, we stopped at the Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park in Utah. The sand is amazingly smooth, each grain (according to the signs) almost perfectly round and a lovely salmon pink colour. The dunes are surrounded by red cliffs, the source of the sand as they erode down and the sand is blown down to create the dunes themselves. All in all, it is breathtaking and unlike anything other sand I've seen. And I figured, since people were out riding quads in the sand, it was okay for me to take some of it in a jar. So, when we got home, I used some of that sand for my little Zen garden, making a unique little momento of our trip.

So... the first three pictures are of my little Zen garden and the last is a picture of the Sand Dunes taken in July of 2005 during our trip.


Carol-Ann said...

Love it!
It's so neat to hear the story behind it too!

Jenn M said...

oh wow! very cool! Now I want to go visit Utah! Alex and I actually have a friend who's going to grad school out there - maybe we need to take a road trip! I bet you have tons more amazing shots from that trip! :)

Sondra said...

I have one just like it! But not with pink sand :) Love the story

Theresa T said...

Neat! Love the perspective of the shots of your garden and it's great how you could personalize it from a trip like that.